Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why Another Blog, You Ask?

Yeah, I know what you must be thinking.  Her crazy ass must have a blog for each of her split personalities.

Uh huh, didn't know I could read minds, did ya?

Seriously, though, I call this one the 'clean version' because I'm starting it with a clean slate.  The past is the past.  Any thoughts about it will be written elsewhere.  This one is all about the present (truly a gift), and the bright future that lies ahead if I can just make it through one more day.

I'm not going to lose the other blog though.  I mean, that drama can be used, I think.  I'm gonna turn it into a novel.  LOL. But don't worry, names and events will be changed to protect both the innocent, and the guilty.

As always, it's all me.  I'm still committed to being honest about thoughts, feelings, and events.  This is just me moving forward instead of being stuck.  


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