Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Faith, Dreams and Self-fulfilling Prophecies

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen." (Heb. 11:1, KJV)

In November of 2009, I was going through some major heartbreak when in the midst of that it was revealed to me that 2010 was going to be "my year", a year of breakthrough and spiritual awakening unlike any that I'd experienced before. I saw myself in a great relationship, going forward with my education, and going back to the studio to work on my music. Almost in a flash, I could see things unfolding and blessings flowing down, and I claimed that for myself. Even though the next relationship was worse than the one I'd gotten out of, I developed a terrible case of writer's block, and I had trouble even finding a school with enough interest in me as a student to address the questions that I had in mind--I still stood my ground and said that this would be MY year.

Faith is the substance...

Lately I've been addressing the subject of faith often among my inner circle because there is a lot that we've all wanted but have not believed that we could have. For as long as we believed that we could not have what we wanted, our actions reflected not our inner desires, but those beliefs. Recently, though, the scripture in Hebrews began to speak to me on several different levels.

It was revealed to me several years ago that what you speak begins to exist in the "spiritual" dimension. I say spiritual in quotes because putting it in those terms makes it somewhat less real to the average person, but to those that understand that dimension as being every bit as real as that which is physically tangible, it will be perfectly understandable that there is more to life than can be seen and observed. In any event, I was taken in a dream to the plane on which all that is spoken becomes reality--whether good or bad. The houses, jobs, and relationships that people spoke into existence; the businesses, including one that a close friend would open a month after the dream; basically everything that people were causing to manifest with only their words. It was in this plane that I began to understand why the ancient mythologies (the Bible among them) depicted God as speaking the world into existence. ("Let there be... and it was"). I began to understand why the Kemites (Egyptians) refered to their writing as the metu neter--the words of the Gods or divine word. Your words cause things to exist, just as God's words called the world into existence.

Faith vs. Anti-faith

Matter, which is composed of atoms and makes up all that can be observed in the physical world, began as energy. However scientists theorize that if matter exists, then so must its opposite--antimatter. This antimatter, they say, has the opposite charge and would annihilate matter if both existed in equal proportions. The only example of this they've been able to create in a lab is a particle called anti-hydrogen, which is the opposite of hydrogen.

If you put that into a spiritual context, then you can understand faith as the opposite of anti-faith. Many call this anti-faith "doubt", but it goes beyond that. Anti-faith not only doubts the potential for good to happen, but it actively seeks out that which is not beneficial and causes it to be. Job, in speaking of all the calamities that befell his household, said that "...the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me." (Job 3:25) Often, people begin to manifest the things that they don't want just by giving them more energy than the things that they do want. Call it the law of attraction in action, or you can say that through their actions not only through their thoughts they are receiving something other than what will benefit them. Either way, anti-faith produces results in the same way that faith does.

If you can understand the concept of anti-matter and matter canceling each other out if they exist in equal proportions, then you can understand the passage found at James 1:6-8:

"But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."

Wavering shows a lack of faith, and is in essence anti-faith. Thus, if your faith in God is equal to your lack of faith in God's ability to work in your life, then you won't receive anything. They cancel each other out. Nothing bad is going to happen, but neither will anything good.

Dreams and Self-Fulfilling Prophesies

So, as often happens to me, right after I put forth that analogy for the first time, something happened to test my own theories. An accidental experiment, almost, but the best illustration of these concepts that I've seen in a long time.

I recently, within the last month, began communicating with this brother who I consider a perfect match for me as far as personality, spirituality, and interests. We're both homebodies, both have a strong belief in God without really thinking that constant churchgoing has to be a part of that. We both love music, write, perform, etc. We've actually traveled in some of the same circles... I sometimes get the feeling that there may have been times when we just missed each other. Nevertheless, we found each other and something in my spirit said "This is it. He's the one."

Acting on that inner knowing, I asked my best friend (who met him several years ago) about him. After her initial shock, she told me that from what she can remember, he's a cool guy and if I treat him well he would treat me just as well.

Several weeks passed and my guy and I continued talking. The connection was undeniable, the chemistry almost tangible. The more we talked, the more I began to feel myself drawn towards him. Thankfully, the feeling is mutual, and some decisions were made. First, we would see each other exclusively, which meant cutting off others I'd been hanging out with casually before we started communicating. Then, we began making other plans for our near future that would show each other and those in our circle that we were serious about making a move soon.

In the midst of all of this, I've been spending a lot of time with my best friend and talking over things that are happening in our lives--events, dreams, relationships, etc. She told me about this dream that she had that was very interesting. She dreamed that she looked outside and there was a large crowd of people waiting along the street near her house, gathered almost as though they were waiting to watch a parade. Before she could ask what was going on, she saw a large blue and white ball descend from the sky, then light up and return as a burst of light. When she asked what that meant, she was told that "Winter is coming", to which she responded "Good, because I'm tired of this heat." Then she went home and closed her door.

When my friend woke up, she looked up the meaning of winter in her dream dictionary, and it foretold something bad happening. She began to worry about a situation in her household, but I told her to just pray about it because I had faith that something wonderful was about to happen for both of us.

Later that same day, my guy and I discussed something that out of respect for his family and wishes I have hesitated to speak of in a public forum, but I will say it meant good things coming this winter. Of course, I told my best friend, and we discussed how the concept of winter usually is negative in a dream because of the perception that things are dead (or hibernating) in winter and waiting to be rejuvenated in the spring. However, the people and even her looking forward to winter in the dream pointed to a different perception from what is commonly accepted.

You may be wondering how does this become a self-fulfilling prophecy? Well, as news often does spread, my best friend was so happy and excited about what I told her was to come in the winter time that she told someone at church (who knows me, her, and my guy) what we were planning. That someone told someone else, and they all began to call my sweetheart and wish us well.

Ok, so now, everyone is literally looking forward to winter, just like in the dream. It's funny how these things begin to come to pass, whether through apparent coincidence or through the actions of those involved.

As predicted, I found love this year. This year, I'm getting it right in many areas, that one included. Also, people are looking forward to winter. Funny how these things work out, isn't it?

I am sure many will wonder what this has to do with them, or if my purpose in writing this was to selfishly gloat and throw my blessings in their faces, but that's really not it at all. My point is that many things can manifest in our lives just through changing our focus to reflect what we want from the universe instead of what we do not want. Instead of telling ourselves that a goal is out of reach or something is impossible, we can begin to treat all that we desire as being available and within our grasp. We can begin to reach for what we want, stop looking at what we've been told or have told ourselves that we can't have, and move forward towards something greater than anything we'd previously imagined for ourselves.

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