Friday, August 14, 2009

A Funny Observation

"Them that's got shall get, them that's not shall lose/So the Bible says, and it still is news..." (Billie Holiday, "God Bless The Child")

I noticed the funniest thing about me, that may be true of other women as well. That is, if one woman shoots a brother down in the presence of other women, it's kind of like he's marked. Nobody else at the club, party, or website wants him. Seriously.

"Hey, lady, what's your name? Maybe we can get to know each other...can I get your number."

"Hell no. Get yo triflin', good for nothing self out mah face!"

So, he goes to the lady across the room, who was scoping him out at first, but then...

"Hey, lady, how you doin' tonight. I noticed you from across the room and..."

Before he can finish, she walks away.

Or she says:

"You seem really nice, but I got a boyfriend. Sorry."


"You know what, you're not exactly my type."


"Leave me alone...SECURITY!!!"

I swear, it's the same online. Brothers, when you comment on a sister's page, and she responds with a rejection, here's a tip:


Lol. I kid you not. I realized this just now, when I took a look at my Myspace page. I got a couple of friend requests, and on one I saw that the guy and I had a couple of mutual friends. Nice looking fellow, but when I looked at his page, saw that he was 23.


Went a little further down, and saw the first three comments from his baby's mom. "When you comin get your son? I need to know..."

Baby mama drama publicly played out. He ain't takin care of business, and she's puttin it out there? Ugh!


And a little further down, one after the other:

"I told you we can't talk, I got a man."


"No, I don't wanna have a conversation with you. Leave me alone!"


"You're ugly. I'd rather not..."


Before I realized what I'd done, I'd gone back to my friend requests and clicked on 'Reject'.

A darned shame. Seriously, though, fellas, survey the room before you step to a female. If you notice one scopin you out, you go to her first. Talk a moment, offer YOUR phone number...she's more likely to accept and possibly reciprocate. Then go to the cuter one you saw that you really wanted to step to. You'll be more confident, and it is possible that she'll have noticed the pleasant exchange between you and the other girl--sparking a bit of interest, maybe even a bit of competitive envy.

As for online interactions, don't make a public comment about wanting to get with her. Send her a note, especially if it's Myspace. That serves two purposes: first of all, you can look at your outbox on that site and see if she actually read it, and second, if you get a rejection, it's private--not public.

In other words, don't let public putdowns diminish your image.

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