Thursday, August 27, 2009

Face the Sun

Attempts at movement seem futile I
cover my
Head hope the
Sounds of
Birds fluttering wings in my
Head stop hope
The singing of morning
Shuts up I
Don't think I
Can face

Alone again finding myself
Roll out
Of bed crawl almost
Walk, kind of
What am I trying to
Think what
I have to do
Tears fall
Pain overtakes the
Soul of

Face the

Raining in my soul
Water falls down
The face of I
Don't think
Can face

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Your Spirit Will Bear Witness

One of my cousins recently came to me for some spiritual advice, but first asked me the question: Do you still have God's anointing on your life? Now, knowing that I teach people that the Spirit of the Creator is within all of us, of course any who know me and know my teachings well will know that my answer to that question is always "Yes". However, I qualify that to the ones who don't know by telling them that whatever the Spirit tells me needs to bear witness with what the Spirit tells them. In other words, I'm not going to come with any new revelation and if I do, then it will still open up a remembrance within the person--there will be a point in which the person snaps his or her fingers and says, "You know what, I knew that!"

Well, tonight I received confirmation of that very part of my teaching. Not that it hasn't been confirmed before by individuals who've come to me and said, "You know, I knew you were going to say that. But I understand it better the way that you said it, so thank you." I was listening to this seminar by Bishop Xavier, the son of the late Rev. Ike, about prosperity and happiness. None of what he was saying was anything I hadn't heard or taught before, especially now that I'm studying classes on metaphysics. However, one thing that he said really caught my attention. That is, when talking about the Word of God being equal to the thought vibrations on the words that we speak, he said that we are to be "Conscious co-creators" of the world that we want to manifest.

Now, again, anyone who's known my teachings also knows that I've taught the same thing for a while. It came to me in the form of a somewhat erotic piece of poetry that illustrates the same concept. I know that this is the "Clean Version" blog, but keep in mind the words of the Apostle Paul that "To the pure, all things are pure..." as you read and judge my words.

Conscious Co-Creators Dropping Seed on the Earth Below

Together spirit beings we find

Within ourselves the creative principle of

The Father planted his seed in the realm of Earth

Our mother and we burst forth like Him

Being, knowing infinitely the wisdom that was

Birthed in and through The Omniscient One

Having been formed in his image we call forth

The world that is ours and we create

Consciousness in our own beings that

Takes shape in the reality of this plane

So I therefore think it not blasphemy to

Say that when you are inside me

From your being you ejaculate forth the very

Spark of divinity find in my being the

Divine seed of creativity and we conceive spirit babies

Bursting forth from the open womb once a tomb

For broken promises,and empty lies you brought forth

Life dropping your seed into my earth realm

Making real the promise that we made

We conscious co-creators come together never

In lust but in love we drop seed to the earth below

Watch our creation take shape and grow and we

Cultivate the world around us whatever we need

We say let it be and as the Divine One works in

Our creative beings, we bring forth from the earth

Life and it is good

Light and it is good

Love and it is well pleasing to the

Conscious Co-creators, the workings of divinity bursting forth

From within populating the earth below with

Ones like ourselves.

As the bishop continued to speak, all that he said rang true within me. He teaches, as his father taught, that the Soul is Christ within, and that Christ is the part of us that realizes that we are one with God. This is why all that belongs to God belongs to man--and that's regardless of religious belief or lack thereof. We all have a part of the Creator within, and therefore the right and responsibility to manifest the world that we want around us with words and thoughts. Oddly enough, though, I realize also that such things are sometimes easier taught than lived. I have the same tendencies as others to manifest negativity, and block the blessings that the God in me wishes to make happen around me. However, with the knowledge of being a co-creator, we can begin to take hold of those thoughts, and put them under submission to the Word of God. That is, the positive vibrations that create that which we wish to see happen around us.

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Funny Observation

"Them that's got shall get, them that's not shall lose/So the Bible says, and it still is news..." (Billie Holiday, "God Bless The Child")

I noticed the funniest thing about me, that may be true of other women as well. That is, if one woman shoots a brother down in the presence of other women, it's kind of like he's marked. Nobody else at the club, party, or website wants him. Seriously.

"Hey, lady, what's your name? Maybe we can get to know each other...can I get your number."

"Hell no. Get yo triflin', good for nothing self out mah face!"

So, he goes to the lady across the room, who was scoping him out at first, but then...

"Hey, lady, how you doin' tonight. I noticed you from across the room and..."

Before he can finish, she walks away.

Or she says:

"You seem really nice, but I got a boyfriend. Sorry."


"You know what, you're not exactly my type."


"Leave me alone...SECURITY!!!"

I swear, it's the same online. Brothers, when you comment on a sister's page, and she responds with a rejection, here's a tip:


Lol. I kid you not. I realized this just now, when I took a look at my Myspace page. I got a couple of friend requests, and on one I saw that the guy and I had a couple of mutual friends. Nice looking fellow, but when I looked at his page, saw that he was 23.


Went a little further down, and saw the first three comments from his baby's mom. "When you comin get your son? I need to know..."

Baby mama drama publicly played out. He ain't takin care of business, and she's puttin it out there? Ugh!


And a little further down, one after the other:

"I told you we can't talk, I got a man."


"No, I don't wanna have a conversation with you. Leave me alone!"


"You're ugly. I'd rather not..."


Before I realized what I'd done, I'd gone back to my friend requests and clicked on 'Reject'.

A darned shame. Seriously, though, fellas, survey the room before you step to a female. If you notice one scopin you out, you go to her first. Talk a moment, offer YOUR phone number...she's more likely to accept and possibly reciprocate. Then go to the cuter one you saw that you really wanted to step to. You'll be more confident, and it is possible that she'll have noticed the pleasant exchange between you and the other girl--sparking a bit of interest, maybe even a bit of competitive envy.

As for online interactions, don't make a public comment about wanting to get with her. Send her a note, especially if it's Myspace. That serves two purposes: first of all, you can look at your outbox on that site and see if she actually read it, and second, if you get a rejection, it's private--not public.

In other words, don't let public putdowns diminish your image.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Struggle Continues

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Eph. 6:12, KJV)

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Eph. 6:12, NIV)

Metaphysical meaning: Heavenly realms = the mind, the consciousness. To wrestle, or struggle in the arena of the mind is to fight the inclinations to do that which is not godly. That is, to follow the desire to feed the hunger of the lower self for lust, revenge, and all manner of things not conducive to elevation.

If we wish to elevate the outer Self, that is, to bring ourselves to the places that we want to be in life, we must allow the Higher Self--the God in us--to prevail in every situation. That is, we must bring into subjection all things in the carnal body that would go against the spiritual.

The struggle contnues...

Going Ghost

"One of these mornings, won't be very long/You will look for me, and I'll be gone..."