Friday, May 29, 2009

At a Loss for Words

I need a muse...

Ok, so I was in the middle of working on my second book, Banana Moon, when I realized that I was seriously suffering from a lack of inspiration.  I suppose it started before then, right around the time my poetry went from being subtly sensual to being halfway pornographic.  But at least then, I was writing something.  I've reached a point now when even the prompts on have failed to produce the necessary stimulus to get my creative juices flowing.  In other words, I'm stuck.

I hate being stuck.  Not only is my book suffering, but my freelancing isn't going so well either.  It's been like two months since I've written an article.  Hell, it's been about that long since I've finished a thought in my blogs.  I guess it could be stress, along with all the things going on that I'm not at liberty to write about.  I mean, usually I'm pretty much an open book, but these day...

I could always...

In the midst of a fit of artistic desperation, I briefly considered writing a tell-all about the "conscious" hip-hop community.  But then, two thoughts kept me from moving forward with that:

1.  The betrayal of some very deep friendships could create more bad karma than I need, and
2.  Who the hell would wanna read that?  I mean, seriously...

I was also thinking about publishing the book I'd written about Malachi York and the Nuwaubians.  But again, I had some cool peeps in that community, and pissing him off (again) could be more trouble than I need.

Love life? What love life?

I guess part of the problem is that Banana Moon is, for the most part, a romance.  I hadn't had much inspiration in that area since he left. (He being the flavor of the past few months...will I ever settle down?)  I mean, I started dating again, got some pretty cool fellows on the radar...but to be honest I haven't really wanted to go out.  Isn't that sad?  Truth is, I miss him dearly, and I'd go to the ends of the earth--or the swamps of Florida, as it were--to be by his side if I thought he'd care.  From his behavior up until the time he drove away, it appears that he doesn't. 

So, for those who've been wondering...

That's what's been up with me.  I know that this phase will pass, and when it does, I'll be writing again.  Until then, be blessed!

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